Today, the 1 July, the Harbour Authority says goodbye and happy retirement to Fergus Drever after 25 years dedicated and exceptional service.
Fergie joined Orkney Ferries back in 1992 as Chief Engineer, a position that kept him busy looking after the ferry fleet of 9 vessels and related infrastructure. In 2004, Fergie became deputy technical Superintendent where his duties extended to servicing the whole of the harbour fleet including tugs and pilot launches and the additional harbour infrastructure.
David Hibbert, Senior technical Superintendent and Brian Archibald, Harbour Master and Head of Marine Services, Engineering and Transportation, together praised Fergie for his no nonsense and focused approach to his duties and his reliability, his vast knowledge of the harbour fleet and his unrivalled technical expertise.
Fergie will be very much missed by his colleagues in Marine Services and he is wished a long happy and retirement.