The Ports and Harbours around Orkney have been the lifeblood of the islands over many generations, acting as a commercial portal and provision of lifeline services to and from and within Orkney. As a major economic driver and source of employment for the current and future prosperity of the islands, it is vital that the harbours, its infrastructure and its business plans are developed in order to support and capitalise upon a very wide range of emerging diverse marine opportunities across a range of sectors and industries including renewable energy, oil and gas, marine tourism and aquaculture.
In order to capitalise upon such opportunities and to future proof the economic prosperity of Orkney and consolidate current business activity to ensure sustainable growth, a ports masterplan has been devised to review infrastructure capability and potential future development to ensure that in a highly competitive ports market place, against significant competition across such sectors from competing ports, that Orkney is equipped to deliver what is required to underpin its economic success.
Phase 1 mostly covers the larger revenue generating projects around Scapa Flow and Kirkwall/Hatston with consideration also of Stromness and Lyness. Phase 2 will cover the smaller piers and harbours, following the outcome of the Orkney Inter Isles Transport Study which is looking at future requirements regarding ferries and infrastructure.
A Community Consultation is being conducted during June and July 2019 and the community, stakeholders and interested parties are invited to view and comment on the Draft Orkney Harbours Masterplan Phase 1 and can do so through the methods outlined below.
In accordance with Section 8(1) of the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005, a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) has been carried out in relation to the Draft Masterplan. This SEA Environmental Report has identified, described and evaluated the likely significant effects on the environment of the Draft Masterplan proposals and is also available to view and comment upon.
Presentations & Drop-in Sessions
Come along to one of our presentations and drop-in sessions in Kirkwall and Stromness to find out more about the Draft Masterplan and provide your views and thoughts on the proposals:
Wednesday 12th June: John Rae Room, Stromness Library
Presentations: 1pm and 6pm / Drop-in sessions: 1.30pm – 4pm and 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Thursday 13th June: Supper Room, Kirkwall Town Hall
Presentations: 1pm and 6pm / Drop-in sessions: 1.30pm – 4pm and 6.30pm – 8.30pm
You can view and comment on the Draft Orkney Harbours Masterplan Phase 1 and SEA Report between Monday 10th June to Monday 22nd July 2019. For the same period paper reference copies will be available to view at Customer Services, Orkney Islands Council Offices, Kirkwall, the Stromness Warehouse Building, Kirkwall Library and the Mobile Library. The reference documents are available during the normal opening hours of these facilities.
This is your opportunity to work with Orkney Islands Council Marine Services to inform and help develop the Draft Orkney Harbours Masterplan that will facilitate future investment and development opportunities in the area for the benefit of the wider community.
If you would like to contribute to the emerging masterplan your comments should be forwarded to [email protected] or posted to Orkney Islands Council, Marine Services, Harbour Authority Building, Scapa, Orkney, KW15 1SD. Any comments that you wish to make should be submitted by email or in writing no later than Monday 15th July 2019.
We also encourage you to complete a short questionnaire asking for your views on the Draft Masterplan at