A conceptual design has been developed by HRI Munro Architects on behalf of Orkney Islands Council (OIC) for a memorial building and garden to commemorate the loss of the HMS Royal Oak as well as other events representing the historical significance of Scapa Flow.

HMS Royal Oak and Scapa Flow Memorial Project

A memorial building and garden are planned to commemorate the loss of the HMS Royal Oak and Scapa Flow's naval history, replacing the existing memorial hut. Scapa Flow's significance spans both World Wars, hosting the British Grand Fleet and key naval operations. The 1939 loss of the HMS Royal Oak remains a poignant moment in Orkney's history, with the loss of 835 lives, many of whom were young sailors, tragically lost to a German U-boat attack.

The Design

The architecture, landscape design, and curated experiences are intentionally minimalist, aimed at creating a visitor experience centred on reflection and understanding. The experience culminates with offering visitors a direct visual connection with the buoy that marks the final resting place of the wreck.

Next Steps

Funding for this project has not been established yet. The first step is understanding what the wider community thinks about the project.

We would like to know what you think. If you can spare a moment, please answer a few questions about the project here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RoyalOakMemorialProject

You can also leave comments using the form below.

This project progresses in collaboration with the HMS Royal Oak Association, which works with the Royal Navy to remember and commemorate the 835 men and boys lost on HMS Royal Oak.

HMS Royal Oak Memorial Consultation Form

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