1. Marine litter can only be collected in the bags provided. Please note that bags are to be reused until they are no longer in a usable state. Bags can then be exchanged for new ones.
  2. Only marine litter caught during my fishing activities including deploying or retrieving creels or collected from the sea will be placed in the bags. Ordinary galley and operational waste should still be disposed of through existing procedures. Please see information sheets on piers.
  3. Drums of fluids, chemicals, oil and hazardous items such as batteries are considered Special Waste under waste regulations. These should be dealt with through the Harbours existing special waste procedures. Do not place items such as these in the bags or the Fishing for Litter skips.
  4. The contents of bags of marine litter can only be deposited in the Fishing for Litter skips available at convenient locations in the participating Orkney Harbour piers.
  5. Please direct any media enquiries to the Fishing for Litter Coordinator in Orkney.
  6. Please contact the Fishing for Litter Coordinator with any feedback, queries, completed registration forms and suggestions to improve the scheme.

Please direct any enquiries or queries about the above form to:
Neil Harvey
Fishing for Litter Coordinator – Orkney,
c/o MEU - Marine Services,
Harbour Authority Building,
Scapa, Orkney, KW15 1SD.
Telephone: 01856 873636 Ext - 3654
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.fishingforlitter.org

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